Knowledge of Passion

Knowledge of Passion

April 11, 2023

Knowledge of Passion

Have you ever poured a bucket of cold water on yourself? And three? If so, you understand me. Everything inside (and outside) shrinks for a second, then you want to frantically jump out from the burning moisture … and, having regained the ability to breathe, you grab a shaggy towel. And, finally, rubbing himself with a towel, cheerful as a thousand penguins, you open the door and feel the air with your whole skin, which only recently was stuffy-hot, but now it seems pleasantly warming. It’s good that you don’t have to dress – only you are at home. In a white loose blouse and a long, long brown skirt, you toss something in the pans in the kitchen. My girl … When I first saw you on the train, I still did not understand – that you are my destiny. I generally slow down in such matters. But the fact that such people come across very rarely came to me right away. And I also realized that I would be looking forward to our next meeting. Perhaps because it is so easy for me with you, as it has never been easy with anyone? I creep up from behind and hug your breasts with greedy hands. You don’t react for a few seconds, and then you turn around and our lips touch each other… how will it end this time? I don’t know, and this sweet suspense of the eternal game between a man and a woman warms the blood again. My hands are already habitually crawling under my blouse, your body responds trustingly and passionately, clinging to me … and suddenly you say … “Do you know how a guy shows everyone that this girl is HIS girl?” You turn me around and sweetly bite my shoulder at the very base of my neck. I don’t know how it affects girls, but it creeps into my entire spine. Growling in my soul, but not forgetting to return your “sign of belonging”, my lips cover your face and neck with kisses … Have you thought about the expression “cover with kisses”? This is so that not a single place is left that is not caressed with lips …. Remember, we once started with this? I kissed your still awkward virgin body a thousand times. And another thousand and another… all night long. Now my hands and lips know many paths of your pleasure. But this does not mean that I know everything – love with you every time is a discovery that needs to be made. This is a theorem that needs to be proven, this is a prayer that has not yet been read by anyone even a single time … Under gentle pressure, you give up and almost sit down on the kitchen table, but it’s so uncomfortable to start, and I, sighing in my soul, step back a little and fall on a chair . You carefully picked up the skirt, under which, as always, you put nothing on top. Already from the second time, softly yuknuv, you let me in until the very end and the swing begins. Faster, faster… your body responds more and more, we fall into a single rhythm and hold it for a while… and then I break into a frantic dance, carry you in my arms around the kitchen, throw you on the table and the old walls hear yours again screams and moans. How I love this music! This goes on for a long time …. Or a moment? Love is not a state in which to feel the time, one cannot rush in it, and, having felt that this chord is over, we disconnect our subtle physical connection. Longing intensifies desire. As if waking up and not noticing my excited body, you sit on a chair near the table and pour yourself a glass of water with lemon. Now you are Lolita, and it’s not for nothing that the sparks in your eyes are so thrown, whether you like it or not, forty-year-old men. A green-eyed girl in a white blouse slowly drinks water and then, smiling a little, either at me or at her thoughts, puts the glass on the white table and takes my standing flesh in her lips. I love watching this so much! But now your thick long hair is blocking the spectacle, and you have to think for yourself. I start to move towards, but the hair is in the way for you too, and you ask to hold it. Not the first time – I hold their weight every day while you wash your face in the evening. This rite is one of many in the life of lovers filled with signs. Now you can watch without interference. A curious maximalist in everything, you, having learned that the most experienced of my past women knew how, from the very beginning tried to take me into your mouth completely, to the very end. Now you do it easily and gracefully, with your left hand leaning on the table, and with the other, affectionately hugging my thigh. Either pushing me down the throat, or playing with my flesh with your tongue, you turn me on more and more. I watch how all my fifteen centimeters disappear between your lips filled with desire and remember … Whether you like it or not, the light that illuminates everything around you is the light of passion. You are passionate in everything you do – and when I got to know you better, I was very surprised that at the age of 19 you kept your virginity. But soon I found out the reason – your feminine essence was hidden behind the barriers of pain and fear, manic looks and touches. On the simplest shaking of the wrist, you could fall into a painful semi-conscious state for three hours, each step along the path of rapprochement was accompanied by tears. You constantly fought with yourself, and I promised myself that II will help you in this fight. I sensed a great power in you… and we succeeded in awakening it. It’s not over yet, only a year has passed… what will happen next? Do you remember how embarrassed you were to tell me this and wrote in a note … “I want deeply. Strongly. You.” Big, big letters… I want that too. I leave the gentle captivity of your lips and, with a jerk, pressing you against the wall, I enter you. Like a man into a woman, strong, deep, furious. You are my woman. Now the real begins – not a game, not pleasure – we are completely open to each other. Nerve to nerve – and everything that we have spills out in this wild dance. The most hidden and forbidden dreams, something that even oneself can be difficult to admit, something that cannot be said in words, we give to each other. And we accept it. Love is multifaceted, now it’s the turn of this facet. It seems that once it was called an orgy and it was a ritual… Now you will become a priestess of love. The vessel of a man’s desires, the point and infinity of aspiration. Passion leads to life, to death, to pleasure, to knowledge, to wisdom, to beauty, and this passion is you. And now your body dissolves in my desire, you can no longer stand on your feet … Down with all your clothes! Truth comes naked. Down with all prohibitions. Only freedom! I transfer the all-accepting tenderness of your body to the big bed – now everything is ready. Your reddened lips whisper softly and distinctly… – That’s it… take me just the way you want, don’t pay attention to my desires… I allow everything… and if I don’t allow something, take it myself! I freeze for a second, enjoying the gentle stillness of the curves of your young body. And then, stretching out my hand, I squeeze the tender nipple of a large breast to the pain in my fingers. Your body of a forest nymph is thrown up, a cry of either pain or passion fills the room. It doesn’t matter, what I want – you want it too, we have long since learned to read each other’s thoughts. Either kisses or bites now torment you. Neck, shoulders, hips … You languish, tremble and scream from my touch, your head dangles helplessly on the pillow, you wait and beckon, but only after playing enough of the madness of your body, I proceed to the main thing. I enter you – with a swing, confidently, to the end – and you accept me delightedly, like a sheath accepts a blade. Now the beautiful butterfly is firmly pinned with a needle and is trembling in the wind of my desire. And you really want it. When I, as a master, break into your flesh, the force of the blow goes through a cramp all over your tender and strong body. It passes in a wave along the spine, the hips tremble and open from it, the back arches towards me, the eyes roll back and the mouth opens wider and wider, forming the letter “O”. You stretch your neck, lick your lips and as if caressing someone invisible… Without stopping blows, I fill the void with my fingers and your lips greedily and passionately accept them, your tongue hastily caresses my fingers, pushing them further, into the depths of the throat… – Yes, yes, yes … – you whisper and shout when I give you such an opportunity, – I want the men to go one after the other, and take, take, take me … I want to be a source that quenches my thirst … and so that it never, never, never ends … I want it too – you know. And because your words completely tear off the remnants of the roof for me – flying up, it seems, half a meter above the bed, whipping your softness with the whip of my body, I manage to get into your wide open bosom almost every time. And each of my hits is marked by a triumphant cry, and your throat marks rare misses with an offended groan. You are already so open that in addition to my toy you take in four more fingers, but we all cannot get enough of intimacy. More, more, more … Finally, I can not stand it and go out. A few seconds of silence… You lie quietly, as if unconscious and only breathing heavily. But this calmness is deceptive – a quick blow with your palm on your lower lips, and the body obediently arches towards you, and from a sweet cry, it seems that the walls will now collapse. I wonder if the neighbors behind the wall hear this music of violent love? Another biting slap, now on the inside of one thigh, on the other, on the flushed cheeks, on the hard nipples of the chest … Like a musical instrument, I play on the body of my beloved and it responds, obedient to my power, the greedy and tremulously sonorous body of the girl … I squeeze your tender neck to the point of wheezing, I test the strength of my fingers on your perfectly shaped thighs, I try to penetrate the softness of the chest with the iron of my fingers … you accept everything. Not as a slave – as a queen, not as a punishment – as an offering of gifts. Because everything I do – I do only out of love. My hands are already tired, but you demand more and more. And who came up with this idea that intimacy lasts eleven minutes? Having rested in your lips that have seized upon the real thing, I quickly run for oil and we proceed to storm the next peak. One finger, another, … finally your ass relaxes and lets me into the only depth unknown today. I want all of you – and you are completely mine. Body bendis on top of mine, the fingers of one hand inside you feel the beating of passion between the buttocks through a thin partition, the fingers of the other caress your lips and tongue, I fill you as much as possible. But your indefatigable body knows no limits, and when, poured out and happy, I freeze on the bed, you noticed … – Strange female nature … now it seems to me that everything is just beginning … And I just smiled. Not because you’re tired – just as you don’t get tired of real work, you can’t get tired of true love either. Yes, everything is just beginning! The rite was accomplished and we, fresh and renewed, went further through our world. And then, a few days later, you said … “Of course, a third person with a camera would probably interfere with us then … but I so want that what was was not lost, preserved for the world. And then I wrote this story. Having read it while I was at work (and this was the first reading of this kind in your life), you signed at the bottom … “I really liked it, the main thing is realistic and not a drop of naturalism, although I saw it in a slightly different light , not as a ritual, but simply to dissolve in the Divine … Thank you” And if anyone understands love the same way we do, write. And let there be more beauty in the world. All you need is love!

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We went down the lane, by the body of the man in black, sodden now from the overnight hail, and broke into the woods..

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